Support the Reserve through Friends of the Hidden Forest

The mission statement of Friends of the Hidden Forest is: To inspire nature appreciation and education by protecting, preserving, improving, and promoting nature sanctuaries.

Friends of the Hidden Forest, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, was formed by leaders and naturalists in Sonoma County to ensure that the Hidden Forest Botanical Reserve continues to inspire and awe residents and visitors. The main goals of the Friends of the Hidden Forest are: to preserve the forest as an educational and inspirational resource for future generations; to highlight the incredible species diversity of the plant and animal communities in this forest; to give local people, especially inner-city kids, access to nature; to engage ecological restoration of Blucher Creek; and to provide people and organizations with exciting plants.

At this point in time, significant money is needed to keep the Hidden Forest open. The ultimate goal is to get this precious community resource into the hands of a foundation or other entity that can steward it for future generations. A first step in this direction would be to get the property into the hands of the existing non-profit, Friends of the Hidden Forest. This would make operations financially viable because it would eliminate both a hefty mortgage and property taxes. Grants, fund-raising activities, and income from the nursery would provide additional financial support. The entity would operate as an outdoor living museum, where the nursery would be akin to the museum’s gift shop.

A second step would be to find the organization that could steward it in perpetuity, and that could happen right away, or in time.

Taking this first step would require nature-loving philanthropists, who are looking to make tax-deductible contributions for a cause, to donate enough money for the non-profit to purchase all, or part of the property.  If you have interest in helping to preserve this unique, treasured place, please contact Mike Boss at:

Your donation to our 501c3 not-for-profit organization is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  ID # 88-4412760. Click the button below and use your philanthropy to help protect the forest and keep it open as a community resource for future generations.